Friday, October 8, 2010

☆Blissful 22nd B'day☆

生日过了几天拖到现在才来发文章我也不想啊, 不过种种原因所以不得已才等到现在*借口多多XD。今年没有铺张的派对,可能是人老了比较不会计较太多*T-T,而且听到要出差心想是更不用期待什么了。结果却出乎我预料今年生日也是惊喜+幸福满满的!!~生日前几 就问我说可不可以星期日一整天时间都给他,想提早跟我庆生虽然嘴说没关系,但是心里还几开心的*甜滋滋(^o^)~只不过吃什么还是要我自己想 (>.<) 真是败给他了呀~
既然是生日当然是放自己一个大假,大吃特吃个够XD呵呵~就跟说我们去吃撑到爆的自助餐吧,地点就选在一直很想吃新开Zon@Ayukawa他是日本餐与意大利餐的结合。星期日一早就起来打扮打扮下等来接我, 结果我一上车看到他还是穿这家里衣然后问我怎莫穿这样美*虾米(-O-)我就说不是要去吃饭哦?!他说先随便吃点晚上才去吃自助餐*老掉>.<。晚上的自助餐价钱还算合理因为是周末又是晚上所以收费是每人RM65~由于我们很早去所以餐馆都空荡荡的没人跟我们抢可以慢慢享受*呵呵~里面的东西还算不少,重点是有很爱的生蚝,他一个人吃6-7个生蚝直接吃回本^O^,不过我也不差咯店里的鱼几乎每一种我都点来吃这样才会回本嘛*请称我三文鱼达人...哈哈。从6点吃到8点多,肚子整个快撑到爆炸我想我1kg就是那边肥回来=''=,说我很久没有吃赢他了不懂几开心讲一个月带我去吃一次*疯了(-o-)。吃饱后没什么活动就到Jusco走走看看到十点多然后打来说要拿礼物给我,就带我去见她聊了几句就家了~叮咚叮咚十二点一到, 就跟我说生日快乐,然后阴阴笑的叫我自己去拿礼物,吩咐我把DVD机拿起来然后拿里面的钥打开他弟弟的橱柜*这招都想得到=''= 惊讶的是既然还有包起来,因为通常他都不在乎这些细节的~形状就觉得怪怪的,他自己躲进被里叫我打开来看,因为说好今年不要花太多钱在礼物上的,结果打开后直接开心到爆炸^o^既然是我的苹果4啊~!!!当下心情整个High100XD...真的是很会装的咯前天还问我要什么礼物那些,我说我只想要开心跟幸福,打开礼物后他就说是不是都给到你了....哈哈哈!!!真狡猾的你,还用说吗...只有你有本事让我心情跌谷底上天堂的XD~
隔天生日就简单的跟家人在新的@现代吃晚餐,虽然每次都去现代不过他们搬去新的店了,装潢都变漂亮了所以感觉就新鲜一点*硬要掰...哈哈。礼物呢早早一个月前为了旅行厚着脸皮预支掉了XD~由于我的大乌龙自己的生日都可以搞错>.<所以变成跟姐妹们的聚餐推倒星期二才吃,真的几抱歉下=''=地点就在我家附近的韩国餐超哈韩国餐的,虽然B'Sayang原本不喜欢吃还有点担心她吃不饱那些不过我的顾虑也是多余的,大家的肚子还是撑到不行*也要看是谁介绍的嘛...哈哈哈XD。那晚还有另一个主角就是我们可爱的Dondon咯, 因为都还没看过本尊所以特地叫我安排给她看看~当然精心打扮了下,几帅可爱一下=p~吃完晚餐还有美美的BR蛋糕作甜品羡慕死人了吧^^*参杂些些罪恶感啊...>.< 过后就去That's Cafe喝下茶就回家了~生日好像都在大餐中渡过, 说我一个生日庆祝了三天啊...呵呵~


Friday, September 24, 2010

☆Honey Crazy Dayz @ Hk & Gz☆

Wootz!I'm actually back for almost a weeks time, although I felt like we had been back for a years time *lolx . Draggin' my post wasn't my intention yet due to amount of photo which needs to be edited and arranged *it's about 800 hundred of them...can u believe that?! >.< now ="''=" size="1">*lolx. BB send me off to the airport and leave me right there along with B'Sayang and Ah Man them, I don't know how he felt at the moment, but I was unbearable & quite shock by his action. And what's more shock is that stupid irresponsible Jetstar delay and we landed in Macau so damn late.

Then we started our 6 hectic and excitin' dayz in Hk & Gz. 1st nite, Tour Guide Alan brought us dinner and dessert at ‘许留山’ then headed towards '星光大道' which juz nearby our Kimberly Hotel, although I said nearby, yet the estimated time was about 30mins somehow we don't felt tired at all as we play along and everything seem so interestin'. Before headin' back to hotel, Alan brought us to this lil' stall sellin' things like our lok lok and Ah Man insist that Hk got the best Curry Fish-Ball ever, therefore we had to make sure to filfull her with Curry Fish-Ball everynight as supper before we back to hotel XD which made her the ''Queen of Fish-ball''. Next day - Disneyland, seriously it was totally great, we had so much fun eventhough we had to wakie 6:30 early in the mornin' but it's all worth it and I actually got insomia the night before lucikly didn't suffer from any headache^^*I do miss u while I was inside...but i guess u wont believe me anyway. Night visitin' the Madame Tussaud's Hong Kong, some of them like Andy Lau,Cecilia Zhang etc looks seriously real alife, but there were too less of them, I was still hopin' to see my xiao zhu,huang xiao ming =.=. Afterall, we headed to this very hongkong old restaurant and catch up Philip, Jerry, Sang for dinner, it had been 8 years since our last meet up *I hope we don't have to wait another 8yrs again >.<. Afterall Hong Kong is seriously is a nice & good city, clean street yet one of the disadvantage are their expenditure was way too high and I think we forgot to bring out ''Sunny Doll'' as it's start rainin' cat & dog from our arrival till we leave kinda ruin our day =''=.

Monday, did lil' shoppin' around our hotel. After 3hrs+ torturin' by the bus, we finally arrived in GZ meet up Aunt and Uncle Lai. They brought us for a great dinner and headed to massage lounge doin' preparation for our next few day's shoppin' war *evil, I wish we got something like that around J.B so that I can bring BB, he always cravin' for massage. Gz is totally a shoppin' heaven if u make sure gets there by the right season. Juz shop and eat without any worry and hesitate cause everythin' is so incredible cheapo beyond your imagination! I bet no woman can resist the seduce of the bargain stuff there. Due to lack of time *yes don't ever doubt for that we seriously needs more we didn't do any sight-seein' at GZ, Aunt said that perhaps next time if we ever go again make sure we go for sight-seein' as well somehow It's kinda a hard mission and i guess if we ever visit for no doubt we'll still stuck in shoppin' mood XD.

Lastly, really had to THANKS to all our kindly helpful friends in Hong Kong, Aunt and Uncle Lai, without them we won't get to had no worry and so much funs during this trip. Gosh, I start to mizz mu kang dessert, egg tart, po luo bao, massage, shoppin' and many moreeee....our crazy dayz in hk & gz end with joy, draggin' our exhausted body back to the reality. Guangzhou do wait for our next return~!!!

*I really wish to...can I?!*

Thursday, September 9, 2010

ღLeavin' Townღ

The day after by this time is the DAY! Argh, guilt & excitement in between. Guilt for leavin' my poor baby boy all alone by himself, he have no one to wakie him up to work and no one to dinner with, no one to urge him for evythin' and even spend holiday with*I probably sound like a mom/kakak T-T. Say it loud like I was that important role in his life *lolx, I ain't so sure about that yet I'm definitely gona mizz him like CRAZY. Really Sowwy BB I wasn't bear to leave u all alone and disapointed u by rejected the plan you did for me last year. I truely hope u could understand our situation that time and I really don't wish to leave u a big burden afterall the fun. I know it all seem like an excuse and nothing I could possible do to complement for u(´ε` )...Let's make a great plan next year!~~~

♪( ´ ▽ ` )ノBig Attention: 4 Crazyy Galz out to town, eat, explore and shop like nobody business. Afterall the time waitin', I can't believe we're goin' in less than 2 dayz after. It's kinda one of my 'wish to do' list, travel with bestie once in a lifetime. How cool! Yet eventhough Ah Man & I been to travel since young somehow this is my 1st time to go without dependin' either family nor my lovely BB, I admit nervous coexist with excitement, luckily Aunt is there to bring us around in GZ. Another funny things is I'm gona to empty my luggage with as less stuff as possible to prepare a super big shop, sound like I gona bring back the whole GZ although I seriously wish so XD. Beside, gettin' my NEX presento in advanced was totally felicity *stay tuned for a closed update of nexto, hundred thanks to my lovely family *touch* .Alrite enugh of sayin', hey soul sistaz, *sing prepare ourself for a madnesss holiday!

*take gd k my dear...*

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

☆K.L Convocation☆

Lil air breathin' weekend, headed to K.L during weekend attendin' BB's Bro Daren's Convocation. Without noticin' it had been 3 years already, payin' visits to his new school & hostel seems like yesterday thingy.I guess I had done my degree 1 years ago If I hang on more into it yet who know what could happened, we juz move on our life with no backward, and to be frank I ain't a study person I rather stop it before I disappoint any of them. For me better to not to give out empty hope then there won't be any disappointment. Really sad and ashamed till now I still couldn't done anythin' to let them feel proud of me >.<.

Back to trips, headed to Melaka before K.L cause BB's bro had arranged his convocation photo shootin' with his friend there, arrived Melaka in the afternoon we were all blastin' for lunchy, eatin' Hainan Chicken Rice Ball is a must in Melaka therefore we went to one of the shop BB and I drop-by during our last trip to Melaka which happened to be roughly 2 years ago *time flies like rocket I felt so old already T-T. After fillin', had lil walk around the street then we rushed for his photo shootin' yet we end up waited nearly 1 hrs for his friends to get ready *I rather spend more time on shoppin' at streets =''=.They sart shootin' around 4sth and finally ends at 7 o'clock.

Convocation held around town area therefore we lived @ K.L Plaza, which juz opposite Pavilion, bad recommended I definetely not gonna stay If I ever go KL in the future. After checked-in, late-dinner at Pavilion Ding Tai Feng, first tryin' and eventhough we waited for 15mins but it's totally worth waitin', ain't because we're too starve but the food there were really nice and delicious, thumbs-up for the foods^^. Seriously, really regret not to bring my lappy along, I guess I hardly survive in K.L as there aren't any nice TV program at all =''=. Took my shower then force myself to sleep due to the noisiness down our buildin'.

Next day woke up early 8a.m in order to get myself ready, one of the big differences between man and woman is that we had to wake up early to do our brushin, face washin' and make-upthingy while they could juz done theirs' brushin' within 15mins T-T. After breakie headed to Snowflake, one of our secret mission*lolx. Yet I somehow failed it as I didn't get to taste and view properly for the stall, end up eatin' the dessert along the way as his parents can't wait to attend the BORED convocation *really frustrated ~.~. Gosh, 3 torturin' hours I wonder how I came through, was totally sleepy and souless during the whole ceremony, I saw number of parents fell asleep during the long-wind speeches by the president of UTAR. Whole thingy ends around 6p.m, basically this whole trip we waste time on endless waitin'=''= *so zik. Headed back J.B after dinner and lil' walk at KLCC's ''PARK'' ==''. Anywhere Congrates to Daren's and wish him all the best for the upcomin' challenge in life. So when is our next lil' sweet escape BB?!^^...

*stress-out for $$$...*

Thursday, August 12, 2010



为你打点三餐 只希望让你身体更好
即使再累 再气你总是浪费我心意
可还是输给了心 没法放着不管你
最后变成了 只是照顾三餐の女佣

需要の时候 事情都推开准时报道
忙碌得时候 乖乖の被凉在一边等待
整个圈子都是你 整个生活都给了你
却还是做的不够好 满足不了
最后变成了 等待被需要の玩具

不可以有情绪 沉默带过所有
不懂事不被接受 学会忍耐是必须
哭泣变成大忌 痛の感觉要学会吞噬
最后变成了 复杂机械人

到头来 努力却换不来肯定
以为你会珍惜 以为你会了解
以为你会幸福 以为这是对你の好
是我太笨 没办法拿捏把事情做好
究竟 在你心中女友该是什么模样
究竟 我是个女佣 玩具 还是机械人
不奢求多完美 只想要の做个称职女友

每阵风 每场雨
都加速爱情の凋零 散发出斑驳の气息
你不再给我答案 不再给我回复 不再给我承诺
我 深呼吸 用微笑带过...

*breathe hard*

Monday, August 9, 2010

ღDatin' 0808ღ

The further it goes, the harder to achieve. Due to heavyload work for BB, we haven't been talkin' nor goin' out for ages, he hardly even squeeze out anytime for a good rest. Nothin' much I could do except try hard to keep myself busy at home T_T. I thought he would even forgot my name cause he totally stressed out, luckily that didn't happened and what's more glad is that BB date me out on 08.08 which I seriously thinks it kinda special and bless day as many of those couples actually choose this day to get married and enter their next chapter of life with beloved one^^.

Vacation?!PArtin'?! was juz a simply nite-out with juz the two of us havin' he so called the ''candle dinner'' and movie, however simple make it the best and I do really look forward. Perhaps it sound a lil' not up-to-dated, somehow it was our very first time watchin' a 3D movie XD*LOL, book our ticket one day earlier to prevent any sold out incident to spoilt our nite, RM18 per person was indeed not a good price but as it was weekend therefore nothing to complain about the pricey. Hereafter the long-long-waited dinner *almost die of hunger we went for ''Airbender'' at Jusco, my rated was pretty splendid and
impressed for the movie.

Happiness truly flied beyond our control, perhaps period of low tide is the only way to outlined the happiness.

*juz stay wif me*

Friday, July 30, 2010



明知道我爱你 却不敢告诉你
明知道我想你 却不敢打扰你
我只好假装不在意 反而痛了自己
我知道我の爱并没有改 只是时间作怪
为何闭上眼感觉心相隔千里 失去了重心与默契
每天总坐着等你讲故事 可你只是敷衍了事
仿佛 昨天我还是你の天使 但今天吻我却变质
就连简短几个字 也懒得解释
我知道 我不是个孩子 可我对感情很偏执
只靠你の爱 我才可以过日子...

你说我の猜忌怀疑 令你心痛
我说你の冷漠无情 令我心寒
本来总是牵着の手 现在却各自寂寞
本来总是浪漫炙热 现在却被动冷漠
快乐不该变の像彩虹 不要让大雨淋过才短暂拥有
感动被生活碾过 爱情也磨成了寂寞
心事不该仔细の锁着 相爱也不该变成例行公事...

我爱问你 我爱念你
我会在乎 我会担心


Monday, June 28, 2010

☆Prince Hoho☆

Woke by door knockin' at 4 a.m, still wonderin' was I dreamin'?! Then I realised and open the door, saw Sis standing outside bleedin' yet it wasn't that she had murder anyone juz our Prince Hoho on his way out meetin' the world XD. After a quick change, Dasu send her rapidly to the hospital somehow he nervous till lost his way, I guess he was way more nervous than the pregnant mommy =''=.

Torturous sufferin' since 4a.m to 3p.m which is a totally 12 hours of hell time! Seriously I couldn't think of a word truely describe the pain, even though I wasn't the one who was labour yet as a 'Woman' we all know the process is undeniable extremely torturin'. Not to mention the givin' birth part, still need to lock ourself at home 'one whole months' without any hairwash, cold drinks, winds blow, face cleansin' or even brushin' etc. How horrible! As if you 'Guyz' dare to lech after some other woman, retribution will come with no time *wakaka.

Anyhow Dasu was brave enough to enter the labour room but somehow screamin' like hell with Sis like he was the one who was givin' birth *lolx .After all the screamin' and struggle finally get to welcome the healthy lil' one to the world ^^. Double lips eyes, with a very MAN looks....very adorable~ Adaptin' small lil' one with his cat's cryin' tone at home XD. Awwww....Cant wait for his full moon party...time to get him a fantabulous names =D~~~...

*name name name?!*

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

☆Good-bye 58~☆

A short post to commemorate our old 58~

All good things must come to an end, BB sold away his 58~ due to it's long-term sickness. Although it's not a perfect car yet it's the best we can get during that time. Local Proton Car nothing much to expect plus BB drove it like a F1 racer, never treated in condition as a result to decrease life of usage =''=. He had no choice but to sell it away in order to waste no more on it's heavy ''hospital fees''. Even though, we are cravin' new car in ages somehow now wasn't a very great time for new one. Gotta get a new car within 1 weeks isn't an easy job, I knew BB wasn't very glad as it isn't the car he is cravin' for, however he had to compromise after a long thought. Initially car was ready at 520, because it's not a good day therefore Sparklin' came out at 21.05. Sparklin' indeed looks good and quite comfort in a way yet in the meantime increasin' our burden too (>.<'').No matter what I do hopes BB can be happy and protect Sparklin' in the next few years. Good-bye 58~ Thanks for being with us for the past 5 years.

Perhaps, it's time not to sit back start thinkin' and workin' on my life, the life that no one can ever decide expect myself...~

*Bless BB stay healthy alwayz...*

Saturday, May 15, 2010

☆President Daddy B'day☆

President Daddy B'day @ Modern BBQ
Yesterday Big news - Our lovely dearest president daddy birthday on hits. Why modern again & again? Due to president, since we're the VIP member there he said he had already sign a 5 yrs contract with them that's why we couldn't go to any other places*LOL. What a joke! The truth and only reason as that's the only place which are able to fit with his super-full-schedule. Mornin' Sayang & I contribute & did a lil' celebration at office by buyin' cake & one of his favourite ''dou hua'' toppin' with red beans & sweet potatoes. I guess he is very pleased with that =D. Night Party started at 9p.m by the arrival of our usual guests.

Quite frustrated with some of the errand that happened which goes against my plan. According to my plan, I was goin' to make him his favorite malay kuih at thurs nite so that he get a special breakie made by me during his birthday. But somehow time flies faster than I thought, thursday slip thru when I notice for the day it's already Friday =''= as a result to my failure of plan 1. Plan 2, the very special-finegold-cake invented by ME had been spoilt due to the accidentely mistaken date that noted down,damn angry while I found out, but I was too careless to not notice the date she had written though*Isshh. Without any other choice, the cake had been move forward to Daddy's Day, so do look forward to it XD.

Anyway, party ends in laughters. A Big Big wishes to My Dearest DADDY, stay happy n stay healthy without worries ever. Get semi-retired and jog with droolin' Bingo everday.Hopes you'll like the present from us...♥♥♥x.o.x.o♥♥♥~!!!

* To my left or right?! *