Friday, September 24, 2010

☆Honey Crazy Dayz @ Hk & Gz☆

Wootz!I'm actually back for almost a weeks time, although I felt like we had been back for a years time *lolx . Draggin' my post wasn't my intention yet due to amount of photo which needs to be edited and arranged *it's about 800 hundred of them...can u believe that?! >.< now ="''=" size="1">*lolx. BB send me off to the airport and leave me right there along with B'Sayang and Ah Man them, I don't know how he felt at the moment, but I was unbearable & quite shock by his action. And what's more shock is that stupid irresponsible Jetstar delay and we landed in Macau so damn late.

Then we started our 6 hectic and excitin' dayz in Hk & Gz. 1st nite, Tour Guide Alan brought us dinner and dessert at ‘许留山’ then headed towards '星光大道' which juz nearby our Kimberly Hotel, although I said nearby, yet the estimated time was about 30mins somehow we don't felt tired at all as we play along and everything seem so interestin'. Before headin' back to hotel, Alan brought us to this lil' stall sellin' things like our lok lok and Ah Man insist that Hk got the best Curry Fish-Ball ever, therefore we had to make sure to filfull her with Curry Fish-Ball everynight as supper before we back to hotel XD which made her the ''Queen of Fish-ball''. Next day - Disneyland, seriously it was totally great, we had so much fun eventhough we had to wakie 6:30 early in the mornin' but it's all worth it and I actually got insomia the night before lucikly didn't suffer from any headache^^*I do miss u while I was inside...but i guess u wont believe me anyway. Night visitin' the Madame Tussaud's Hong Kong, some of them like Andy Lau,Cecilia Zhang etc looks seriously real alife, but there were too less of them, I was still hopin' to see my xiao zhu,huang xiao ming =.=. Afterall, we headed to this very hongkong old restaurant and catch up Philip, Jerry, Sang for dinner, it had been 8 years since our last meet up *I hope we don't have to wait another 8yrs again >.<. Afterall Hong Kong is seriously is a nice & good city, clean street yet one of the disadvantage are their expenditure was way too high and I think we forgot to bring out ''Sunny Doll'' as it's start rainin' cat & dog from our arrival till we leave kinda ruin our day =''=.

Monday, did lil' shoppin' around our hotel. After 3hrs+ torturin' by the bus, we finally arrived in GZ meet up Aunt and Uncle Lai. They brought us for a great dinner and headed to massage lounge doin' preparation for our next few day's shoppin' war *evil, I wish we got something like that around J.B so that I can bring BB, he always cravin' for massage. Gz is totally a shoppin' heaven if u make sure gets there by the right season. Juz shop and eat without any worry and hesitate cause everythin' is so incredible cheapo beyond your imagination! I bet no woman can resist the seduce of the bargain stuff there. Due to lack of time *yes don't ever doubt for that we seriously needs more we didn't do any sight-seein' at GZ, Aunt said that perhaps next time if we ever go again make sure we go for sight-seein' as well somehow It's kinda a hard mission and i guess if we ever visit for no doubt we'll still stuck in shoppin' mood XD.

Lastly, really had to THANKS to all our kindly helpful friends in Hong Kong, Aunt and Uncle Lai, without them we won't get to had no worry and so much funs during this trip. Gosh, I start to mizz mu kang dessert, egg tart, po luo bao, massage, shoppin' and many moreeee....our crazy dayz in hk & gz end with joy, draggin' our exhausted body back to the reality. Guangzhou do wait for our next return~!!!

*I really wish to...can I?!*

Thursday, September 9, 2010

ღLeavin' Townღ

The day after by this time is the DAY! Argh, guilt & excitement in between. Guilt for leavin' my poor baby boy all alone by himself, he have no one to wakie him up to work and no one to dinner with, no one to urge him for evythin' and even spend holiday with*I probably sound like a mom/kakak T-T. Say it loud like I was that important role in his life *lolx, I ain't so sure about that yet I'm definitely gona mizz him like CRAZY. Really Sowwy BB I wasn't bear to leave u all alone and disapointed u by rejected the plan you did for me last year. I truely hope u could understand our situation that time and I really don't wish to leave u a big burden afterall the fun. I know it all seem like an excuse and nothing I could possible do to complement for u(´ε` )...Let's make a great plan next year!~~~

♪( ´ ▽ ` )ノBig Attention: 4 Crazyy Galz out to town, eat, explore and shop like nobody business. Afterall the time waitin', I can't believe we're goin' in less than 2 dayz after. It's kinda one of my 'wish to do' list, travel with bestie once in a lifetime. How cool! Yet eventhough Ah Man & I been to travel since young somehow this is my 1st time to go without dependin' either family nor my lovely BB, I admit nervous coexist with excitement, luckily Aunt is there to bring us around in GZ. Another funny things is I'm gona to empty my luggage with as less stuff as possible to prepare a super big shop, sound like I gona bring back the whole GZ although I seriously wish so XD. Beside, gettin' my NEX presento in advanced was totally felicity *stay tuned for a closed update of nexto, hundred thanks to my lovely family *touch* .Alrite enugh of sayin', hey soul sistaz, *sing prepare ourself for a madnesss holiday!

*take gd k my dear...*