Woke by door knockin' at 4 a.m, still wonderin' was I dreamin'?! Then I realised and open the door, saw Sis standing outside bleedin' yet it wasn't that she had murder anyone juz our Prince Hoho on his way out meetin' the world XD. After a quick change, Dasu send her rapidly to the hospital somehow he nervous till lost his way, I guess he was way more nervous than the pregnant mommy =''=.
Torturous sufferin' since 4a.m to 3p.m which is a totally 12 hours of hell time! Seriously I couldn't think of a word truely describe the pain, even though I wasn't the one who was labour yet as a 'Woman' we all know the process is undeniable extremely torturin'. Not to mention the givin' birth part, still need to lock ourself at home 'one whole months' without any hairwash, cold drinks, winds blow, face cleansin' or even brushin' etc. How horrible! As if you 'Guyz' dare to lech after some other woman, retribution will come with no time *wakaka.
Anyhow Dasu was brave enough to enter the labour room but somehow screamin' like hell with Sis like he was the one who was givin' birth *lolx .After all the screamin' and struggle finally get to welcome the healthy lil' one to the world ^^. Double lips eyes, with a very MAN looks....very adorable~ Adaptin' small lil' one with his cat's cryin' tone at home XD. Awwww....Cant wait for his full moon party...time to get him a fantabulous names =D~~~...
*name name name?!*